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BSH offers a global network of exceptional people and strong brands. As a leading manufacturer of home appliances and solutions, we move things forward to make people’s lives easier. Everyone’s focus here at BSH is on innovation, which is why we offer fascinating job opportunities for those who want to make a difference.
He meets new people every day from all walks of life. That is what makes Sebastian’s job as a user experience specialist so exceptional.
Fang does not just know a lot about corporate technology. She is also fluent in Chinese, English, Spanish and German. “I love intercultural experiences.”
It is Christina’s job to create trainings that help BSH employees cope with the complexities of the supply chain and inspire them to go new ways.
And we are no different. It is even more pleasing to have been certified as "Top Employer" in multiple countries (Belgium, China, France, Spain, United Kingdom and USA).
In our latest employee survey, nearly 90 percent of our employees said they are highly engaged with BSH. This makes us very proud!