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Compliance & Commitments

Innovation and Compliance – Go Hand in Hand at BSH

We are here to make our consumers smile. For us, consumer centricity also means protecting our consumer’s data and encouraging fair competition. In this way, we strive to offer attractive products at fair prices. For us, innovation and compliance go hand in hand. In order to achieve sustainable success, we at BSH promote a corporate culture in which every single employee lives compliance and actively takes responsibility for his or her actions.

Our Code of Conduct

We are committed to acting responsibly and lawfully with each other and in our dealings with our environment, especially with our consumers and business partners. We have also anchored this principle in our code of conduct, the Business Conduct Guidelines.


Our Policy Statement on Human Rights

Respect for human rights is an integral part of our corporate values. We take our responsibility along the value chain with regard to human rights due diligence very seriously and, as part of the Bosch Group, have formulated our understanding in a joint declaration of principles with Robert Bosch.

Policy Statement on Human Rights

Compliance Organization and Compliance Management System

Our global compliance organization with contact persons in all countries supports our employees in acting lawfully and with integrity. Our value-oriented, modern Compliance Management System specifies measures and processes and in this way provides protection for BSH and its employees as well as for our consumers and business partners.

Reporting Non-compliant Activities

To report non-compliant activities, violations of laws or BSH internal rules you can use our whistleblower system "Trust and Tell" or the BSH lawyer of trust. According to the requirements of law, your report will be handled confidentially. As whistleblower you may not suffer any unjustified disadvantages as a result of your reporting.

Whistleblower System "Trust and Tell"

You can use our whistleblower system "Trust and Tell" to report confidentially and anonymously. If you would like to keep your identity confidential, you can set up a postbox for anonymous communication with the BSH Compliance Investigations Team (e.g. for clarifications and exchange of information).


BSH Lawyer of Trust

To report a Compliance violation, you can also contact BSH's lawyer of trust, an external lawyer. If you prefer to remain anonymous, he will not share your identity with BSH.

Dr. Karl Sidhu, LL.M.
Phone: +49 89 244 133 4 60
Mobile: +49 176 225 74 526


We’re Listening. Our Human Rights Grievance Mechanism

The BSH Group is committed to acting responsibly and lawfully and respects international human rights as core values. In order to effectively protect them in our business activities and in our supply chains, we pursue a comprehensive human rights due diligence approach.

An essential element of our approach is an effective grievance mechanism. It offers rights holders the opportunity to report possible human rights or environmental risks or violations directly, for example with regard to working conditions, discrimination, or environmental pollution. Our employees process all grievances in an independent, impartial and confidential manner.

Our grievance procedure helps us identify and address critical issues, as well as uncover systemic challenges, at an early stage. We therefore view it as a vital source of information that helps us to constantly improve our human rights due diligence.

Our rules of procedure detail the various reporting channels as well as the principles and the process of our grievance mechanism.

Compliance in Our Global Supply Chains

BSH is committed to socially and ecologically responsible conduct.

Social and environmental impacts may also occur outside of our own business, in our global product supply chains. It is our goal to meet our consumers’ expectations of a product that has been created in a socially and ecologically responsible manner, and to fulfil human rights and environmental due diligence obligations along the supply chain.

A common understanding of responsible behaviour therefore is the basis of our collaboration with our suppliers, who are committed to the BSH supplier code of conduct.

Supplier code of conduct

The BSH supplier code of conduct is based on the UN Global Compact, the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

The BSH supplier code of conduct requires the observance of all applicable laws and regulations and further contains the following topics and principles:

  • Social responsibility, which includes e.g. human rights, non-discrimination, the ban on forced labour and dealing with conflict minerals
  • Ecological responsibility, which includes e.g. environmental protection and climate protection
  • Legally impeccable business conduct, including with regard to corruption and bribery, money laundering, fair competition, customs and export control regulations and data protection and data security

To ensure compliance along the supply chain, BSH suppliers also commit their sub-suppliers to the principles of the BSH supplier code of conduct.

Respect for Human Rights

As part of the Bosch Group, we report annually on the implementation of human rights and environmental due diligence in our operational processes. In this way, we make a contribution to improving the human rights situation worldwide. Read more here.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Compliance - California AB 1305

Pursuant to California AB 1305, and specifically, California Health and Safety Code Section 44475.2(a), please refer to the following website links for BSH’s greenhouse gas related information, which was verified by an independent third-party: Environment | BSH Hausgeräte GmbH ( and the Bosch Sustainability Reports provided at Sustainability reports and figures | Bosch Global.

ISO Certifications

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