
Different Together.

Being different from each other and including these differences into our daily lives not only makes us better as people, it also makes us better as a company. Here at BSH, we truly believe that we can only thrive and unleash our full potential, if everyone feels valued and respected as who they are and where they come from and can be their true selves.

This is why we implement diversity, equity and inclusion in every part of our doing:

  • Diversity means having individuals with different personalities, experiences and perspectives, personal backgrounds and life plans in teams on all levels of our organization.
  • Equity means to acknowledge that everyone has different needs, experiences and opportunities and therefore not everybody is starting at the same level. It means balancing this by ensuring fair and impartial programs and processes.
  • Inclusion means taking actions to make others feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued just the way they are by their peers and their employer.

Find out below, what measures we have taken to ensure this philosophy.

Diversity is a mindset – a way of thinking. We can only achieve living diversity, equity and inclusion when each of us starts to question their own unconscious bias, challenge their mindset and take responsibility for an inclusive corporate culture in which every single person feels valued.

Marion Weissenbach, Global Diversity Management

Measures & Activities

What we do to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion

Here at BSH we view the advantages of different perspectives as a driver for innovation and transformation. Therefore, it is not just a part of our philosophy, but something we want to reinforce in every aspect of our daily work. To do so, we have implemented a number of trainings, programs and initiatives. Find out more about them by clicking on a measure of your choice.

Most diversity topics come naturally to us because their application and benefit is always apparent. Others can hide in daily routines, remaining hidden until we expose them. For this reason, we regularly conduct training sessions to sensitize our colleagues to these topics.

One example are “unconscious bias” trainings. Often, our actions and reactions are determined by learned behavior patterns. We favor some people and put others at a disadvantage without even noticing it. “Unconscious bias” trainings help to identify these situations and behave accordingly.

Other trainings involve topics like “intercultural effectiveness” or “female leadership”. Since the topics around diversity, equity and inclusion are fluent, our trainings are always being kept up to date to ensure all employees can stay informed.

Hear It From Our Employees.

As a global company, diversity, equity and inclusion is lived every single day by all our employees. Find out what they think about the topic.