Mentions légales

Déclaration sur la confidentialité des données

Section 1 : Introduction et informations générales

Informations relatives à la Protection des Données

À propos de nous et notre site Web

Nous, BSH Electroménager, 26 avenue Michelet, 93400 Saint-Ouen, exploitons ce site Web. Pour nous contacter, veuillez utiliser les coordonnées de la société fournies dans l’onglet Mentions légalesdu site internet.

Nos principes directeurs

Nous prenons la protection de vos informations très au sérieux. Vos données sont donc traitées avec le plus grand soin et dans le strict respect de la loi sur la protection des données en vigueur. Des mesures de sécurité organisationnelles et techniques ont été prises pour protéger l’ensemble de nos sites Internet contre les risques liés au traitement de données à caractère personnel. Nos partenaires qui nous soutiennent dans la mise à disposition de ce site Web doivent également respecter ces dispositions.

Ce que nous enregistrons habituellement

Vous pouvez utiliser sans avoir à révéler votre identité toutes les sections de notre site Web dont les accès ne sont pas protégés . Nous enregistrons par défaut chaque utilisation de notre site Web afin de prévenir les attaques, remédier aux pannes et enquêter sur les incidents de sécurité. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur nos données de connexions dans la section « Comment nous traitons vos données ».

De quelles autorisations disposons-nous pour traiter vos données?

Nous respectons votre vie privée. Par conséquent, nous ne traitons vos données que lorsque nous sommes autorisés à le faire. A la fin de ces Informations sur la protection des données, vous trouverez un résumé des autorisations légales sur lesquelles nous basons le traitement des données. Vous pouvez également nous autoriser à traiter vos données en donnant votre consentement au traitement des données correspondant sur notre site Internet (« opt-in »).

Dans d’autres cas, nous traitons vos données conformément à ce que la loi nous autorise. Si, par exemple, vous passez une commande par l’intermédiaire de notre site Internet, nous sommes autorisés à traiter vos données afin d’exécuter ce contrat. Il en va de même lorsque vous utilisez d’autres services sur notre site Web qui nécessitent le traitement de vos données. Nous sommes également autorisés à traiter vos données lorsque nous avons un intérêt légitime à le faire. Par exemple, nous collectons les données de connexion afin de nous assurer que notre site Web peut être exploité sans défaut (y compris d’un point de vue technique). Dans tous les cas, nous vous informerons sur le traitement de vos données personnelles et, bien entendu, vos intérêts seront toujours pris en compte dans le cadre du traitement. Si vous avez des questions sur vos données personnelles, vous trouverez vos droits concernant le traitement de vos données personnelles dans la dernière section des présentes Informations sur la protection des données.

Dans la section suivante, nous expliquons les autorisations que nous utilisons, et à quel moment nous les utilisons. Vous trouverez des informations plus détaillées sur la manière dont vos données sont collectées, traitées et utilisées sur notre site Internet (c’est-à-dire le type, la portée et la finalité du traitement des données) dans la même section.

Ce que vous devriez également savoir:

Les utilisateurs de moins de 15 ans ne doivent nous transmettre des données personnelles qu’avec le consentement de leurs parents ou tuteurs légaux.

La loi sur la protection des données qui s’applique peut entraîner des limites d’âge différentes à cet égard.

Notre site Web peut contenir des liens vers des sites Web qui ne sont pas fournis par nos soins. Nous n’avons aucune influence sur la manière dont vos données sont traitées sur ces sites Web ou sur leur conformité aux dispositions relatives à la protection des données. Veuillez prendre note de toute information sur la protection des données qu’ils fournissent.

How we process your data (logs, cookies, tracking, etc.)

Log data

For technical reasons, each time your internet browser accesses our website it automatically sends information to our web server (i.e. log data). We store some of this information in log files, such as:

  • The date of the access
  • The time of the access
  • The URL of the linking website
  • The files accessed
  • The volume of data transferred
  • The browser type and version
  • The operating system
  • The IP address (anonymised)

Log data does not contain personal data. As a general rule, we only analyse log data in order to remedy faults in the operation of our website or clarify security incidents. We store this log data indefinitely.

It is sometimes necessary for us to collect additional personal information as well as log data in order to remedy faults or preserve evidence relating to security incidents. In these cases, we are permitted to process the log data by law (article 6(1f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679). We delete this data once the fault has been remedied or the security incident has been clarified in full, or if the original purpose of the processing no longer exists due to other factors. In the event of a security incident, we will transmit log data to the investigating authorities on a case-by-case basis, to the extent permitted.

We always store log data separately from other data collected that relates to the use of our website.

Registering on our website to access the Corporate Design Extranet

You can register as a user on our website to access the Corporate Design Extranet. We collect and process the following details as part of the registration process:

Required details:

  • First and last name
  • E-mail address

Optional details:

  • Company
  • City
  • Country
  • Contact at BSH

We are permitted to process your data in this context with your consent (article 6(1a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679). You can withdraw this consent at any time. We store registered users' data until the user deletes their account. Users with the relevant authorisation can delete their account at any time through their user account. The user account also allows users to change or delete specific information provided at the time of registration at any time.

It goes without saying that we will provide you with information about the data we hold about you on request. We will also be happy to correct inaccurate information or delete information we hold about you on request, provided that said deletion is not prohibited under the terms of our legal obligations to retain certain information. To request this, please use the contact information provided at the end of this Data Protection Information.

Participation in Special Events

When you register for an event, we store and use the information you provide in order to run the event and complete any follow-ups. The data we collect for this purpose depends on the registration form on the event page in question. Upon request, registered participants can receive information about the data they provided when registering or have any incorrect details corrected. To request this, please use the contact information provided at the end of this Data Protection Information.

We are permitted to process your data to run the event and complete any follow-ups by law (article 6(1b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Your data is deleted once it is no longer required to run the event or complete any follow-ups.


We use cookies. Cookies are small text files, which we store on your device when you visit our website. These cookies are sent back to us every time you access our website subsequently. This allows us to recognise you, for example, or makes navigating our website easier for you thanks to the information stored in the cookies.

Cookies cannot be used to run programs or transfer viruses to a computer. Cookies can only be read by the web server they originate from.

We do not share the information stored in the cookies with third parties without your express permission.

You can also view our website without cookies. Internet browsers are often configured to accept cookies. To prevent your internet browser from using cookies, you can disable cookie use via the settings in your internet browser. The help functions in your browser can show you how to disable and/or delete cookies in your internet browser. Please note that disabling/deleting cookies may result in individual functions on our website no longer working as expected. Cookies that may be required for certain functions on our website are set out below. In addition, disabling/deleting cookies will only affect the internet browser used to do so. Disabling/deleting cookies must therefore be repeated for any other internet browsers accordingly.

Cookies that we use for specific functions, without references to individuals:

  • Cookies that store certain user preferences (e.g. search or language settings)
  • Cookies that store information in order to guarantee flawless playback of video or audio content
  • Cookies that temporarily store certain user entries (e.g. the contents of a shopping basket or online form)

Cookies that we use for specific functions, with references to individuals:

  • Cookies that serve to identify or authenticate our users

We are permitted to process data in this context by law (article 6(1f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679). We store this data until the cookie in question expires or until you delete it.

Any further processing of personal data using cookies is outlined in the relevant sections within this information.

Web analytics using pseudonymised user profiles

We use web analytics tools for various purposes on our website. You can find information on the web analytics tools we use below, including a description of the data processing in question, the purposes of that processing and how you can prevent the web analytics tool from collecting and processing your data. Please note that placing opt-out cookies can only prevent the collection and processing of your data by web analytics tools to a limited extent. You can find more information about this in the section on cookies.

Web analytics tool: Adobe Analytics (Omniture)

In order to carry out marketing and market research and tailor our website (and potentially newsletter) appropriately, we use analytics cookies and/or JavaScript to collect and process usage data relating to your visit to our website and your use of links in the newsletter (if applicable). Your usage data is collected and a usage profile is generated from this data on a pseudonymised basis, using a cookie ID. Your IP address is either not recorded or is anonymised immediately after recording as part of this.

We use the Adobe Analytics service provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Ltd., 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Park, Dublin 24, Ireland ("Adobe") to collect the usage data and generate the usage profiles. The information relating to your use of our website is transferred to Adobe servers, analysed and solely returned to us as cumulative data. This data allows us to identify trends in how the website is generally used.

We do not conflate the resultant usage profiles with your name or any other details that could disclose your identity, such as your e-mail address. We are permitted to process data in this context by law (article 6(1f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679). The usage data is stored by the service used for a maximum duration of 37 months from the date on which it was collected.

Opt-out: Please use Adobe's opt-out website if you wish to prevent your usage data being collected. You can find information about how Adobe Analytics cookies work and the opt-out option via the following link:

Web analytics tool: Mouseflow

In order to help us design our website appropriately, we may collect usage data relating to your visit to our website using analytics cookies and other technologies. As part of this, we record the mouse movements and clicks of randomly selected users of our website. Your IP address is anonymised as a matter of course. The resultant log of your use of our website is randomly analysed so that we can derive potential improvements for our website from it.

We use service provider Mouseflow ApS, Flaesketorvet 68, 1711 Copenhagen, Denmark for the purpose of collecting this usage data.

We do not conflate the resultant usage profiles with your name or any other details that could disclose your identity, such as your e-mail address. We are permitted to process data in this context by law (article 6(1f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679). The usage data is deleted three months after the date on which it is collected.

Opt-out: Please use Mouseflow's opt-out website via the following link if you wish to prevent this usage data being collected:

Display of BSH Locations Using Google Maps

One feature available to you as a user of our website is a map showing BSH locations worldwide. We use Google Maps to display this map. Google Maps is a service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. You can find details on how personal data is processed when Google Maps is used via the following link:

Cases where we transmit your data

We work together with a number of service providers to implement and operate our website. We have chosen these service providers carefully and concluded a data protection agreement with each individual service provider to keep your information safe.

The service providers we use to implement and operate our website are:

  • Service provider for hosting services
  • Service provider for programming services
  • Service provider for sales and marketing services
  • Service provider for hotline services

Your rights

In case of questions to your personal data you can find an outline of your rights below. Please use the following contact channels for your requests:

  • Consumers: Please use the Consumer Data Request Webform on,
  • Dealer/supplier/service providers and its employees: Please contact our local sales or procurement department,
  • Our employees: Please contact the local HR department.

Your right to information about your data

We will provide you with information about the data we hold about you on request.

Your right to correct and complete your data

We will correct inaccurate information about you if you notify us accordingly. We will complete incomplete data if you notify us accordingly, provided this data is necessary for the intended purpose of processing your data.

Your right to delete your data

We will delete the information we hold about you on request. However, some data will only be deleted subject to a defined period of retention, for example because we are required to retain the data by law in some cases, or because we require the data to fulfil our contractual obligations to you.

Your right to have your data blocked

In certain legally determined cases, we will block your data if you would like us to do so. Blocked data is only further processed to a very limited extent.

Your right to withdraw consent

You can withdraw consent given for your data to be processed with effect for the future at any time. The legality of processing your data remains unaffected by this up to the point at which your consent is withdrawn.

Your right to object to the processing of your data

You can object to the processing of your data with effect for the future at any time, if we are processing your data on the basis of one of the legal justifications set out in article 6(1e or 1f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. In the event that you object we will cease processing your data, provided that there are no compelling and legitimate grounds for further processing. The processing of your data for the purposes of direct marketing never constitutes compelling and legitimate grounds for us.

Your right to appeal to a regulatory authority

You can lodge an appeal pertaining to data protection with a data protection authority. To do so, contact the data protection authority responsible for your place of residence or the data protection authority under whose jurisdiction we fall (named below).

Bavarian Data Protection Authority (BayLDA) -

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